An occasional webcomic by Tateru Nino

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If you haven't been exposed to the Transformers much, then the original characters are (in order of appearance) Hot Rod, and Optimus Prime (leader of the Autobots). The images are from Transformers: The Movie (1986), and are - insofar as I know - used well within the boundaries of fair-use in this case.

Hot Rod and Optimus Prime (renamed here as HumbleRod and Philipus Prime), in this case, just represented far too much of a parody opportunity to pass up. Or maybe it's because it is the first of January where I am sitting and I've drunk quite a bit and I happen to think that this is quite funny.

The form of the joke itself comes from a 1966 comedy sketch about Ronald Reagan that I happen to be quite partial to (from back when he was running for the office of Governor of California, as you may recall)

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